Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pro and Con List for Lesson Plans


1. The lesson was organized
2. I was prepared for the first lesson plan of that semester
3. I made sure to call on nonvolunteers
4. The notes were a connect the dots worksheet

1. There was too much information about the shapes and it made the lesson more confusing
2. The students did not fully complete the objective by the end of the lesson
3. I did not find the tangrams to be effective
4. My voice was not strong because I was sick

Potential and Kinetic Energy

1. The lesson incorporated technology
2. The students really understood the material
3. The students had fun with this lesson
4. I felt very prepared, confident, and organized

1. I had forgotten to keep track of time, luckily it was not a problem
2. I still struggle with explaining some ideas in the text, however I was prepared and it helped to read the material prior
3.I had made a  typo on the power point but it was corrected

Coordinate Planes

1. I incorporated some movement which my mentor teacher enjoyed
2. The students understood the material
3. I was really familiar with this topic which made it that much easier to teach
4. I felt very ready, organized, and prepared

1. It took a considerable amount of time to make the worksheets
2. The independent pracice was too much work
3. The anticipitory set of the map seemed to not be necessary. A review of positive and negative numbers would have suited much better for this lesson
4. I was a little nervous about teaching another math lesson since math is a subject in which many struggle with

Combining Adjectives

1. The students clearly met the objective
2. I was prepared and organized
3. I was able to pull in the students attention
4. I incorporated technology through a powerpoint which the kids liked
5. The anticipitory set really seemed to help jog the memory of a previous lesson

1. I was losing track of time, but it did not create a problem
2. The students were slightly more talkative in this lesson so I kept reminding them to please keep there voices off
3. At one point in time I explained the question wrong but I was able to correct my mistake

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