Monday, May 7, 2012

All Day Shadowing: May 3

When I first walked into my mentor teacher's classroom that day I could tell that something was amiss. She told me that her daughter was sick and so she would not be there for the remainder of the day. There was a substitute, but she wanted me to take care of the lessons and the lesson planning. I was very honored that she trusted me enough for this task. The only part I did not do was the spelling test which was reading the words outloud. The first lesson I did was my assigned lesson. This was the language arts lesson about adjectives. The objective was to combine adjectives in sentences. My anticipitory set included the students come up to the board and identify adjectives in a sentence as a review. Next we moved onto the input when we read in the text book and I wrote down specific examples and helped guide them in the lesson. The guided practice was a power point and the students used white boards to answer the questions. For the independent practice the students worked on a worksheet and I went around to help. I am sad to admit that I did forget to do the closure which was to have the students find objects in the room and use multiple ajectives to describe them. However, a similiar concept was presented to them on the last question of the power point so a closure was not evaded completely. The next lesson was math. It was a longer lesson on volume and cube roots but the students really seemed to understand the lesson when we were done. Next, there was a group from Mexico that came to speak with the class. It was a short presentaion but very educational. Afterward, the students worked on a science test. At the end of the day, I began a science lesson. There was not enough time to finish it though. The entire day was very eventful and I am very proud of myself for stepping it up and being 'teacher' for the whole day. It was such an incredible experience and I was so confident!

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