Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Interview Questions and Answers

1. Describe some teaching techniques that you have fouond effective.

I have found that calling on non-volunteers is effective to keep students on their toes and to address participation on the lesson. Another effective technique is to keep certain parts of the lesson flowing faster than others so that you do not lose the attention of the students.

2. Describe certain learning styles and how you would adjust your lessons to benefit those learning styles.

The three learning styles are auditory, visual, and kinestic. Each lesson you can incorporate these learning styles. Auditory learners could learn well with lectures, for example when taking notes be sure to explain the lesson thoroughly for the auditory learners. For visual learners one could incorporate graphs, visuals, pictures, worksheets, and allow students to look at words when teaching the lesson. Kinestetic learners are slightly harder to address depending on the age group but one could allow students to make models of what is being learned or do experiments.

3. How would you create a safe atmosphere within a classroom?

One could create a safe atmosphere in a classroom by posting inviting posters, following through with the classroom rules, and arranging the desks in a safe way in case of a fire drill. Additionally, make sure that you, yourself are inviting by adding a positive attitude for the students.

4. What kind of rules did you encounter in your mentor classroom? What techniques did they use?

My mentor classroom this year was very interesting because it did not have a classroom rules set. Instead they followed the rules provided by the school. I didn't really notice any discipline problems among the students. If they did disbehave there was a warning and the second offense the student would recieve a (BIP) Behavior Improvement Paper. Typically, the rules you may encounter is be respectful, hands to yourself, and other rules that fall near to those categories.

5. What is the best ways to assess students? How was it assessed in the mentor classroom?

Again, I believe it depends on the grade. The younger grades (K through 2) should probably not be assessed to often with paper but with the teacher checking there work and reviewing activities. When the student advances farther into their schooling it is best to assess with the guided practice, independent practice, as well as tests so that the teacher knows what the students' strengths and weaknesses are.In my mentor classroom this year they assessed student knowledge with tests, guided practice, and independent practice.

6. Describe a lesson you taught this year. Explain why it was good.

The best lesson that I taught this year was teaching the students to graph positive and negative numbers on coordinate planes. This lesson stood out to me because the guided practice included the students standing up and moving according to the movement of the point of the graph. The students were having so much fun with it and I could really identify that the students where grasping the concept.

7. Describe an outstanding teacher. What makes a teacher outstanding?

An outstanding teacher is one who listens to their students and is patient with their learning. They are flexible and willing to help the students however they can. They show respect to their students as it should be shown back in return. An outstanding teacher creates a safe environment for their students and is hopeful in aspiring to being an inspiration to their students.

8. How could you develop self-esteem in your students?

Self-esteem can be aquired when a teacher recognizes and praises the good works of her students. One can do this through praising good behavior and correct answers on an assignment or test. This can also boost a students confidence as long as one promotes a "you can do it!" atmosphere.

9. What kind of people do you find difficult to work with? Why?

I find that it is difficult to work with negative people because they contrast my positve attitude. I also find it hard to work with people who are unorganized because I am a very organized person and work best with order and structure.

10. What are your strengths?

I am a very dedicated person and give my best effort whenever possible, even when the going gets tough. I am very organized and I enjoy working with students. I am great at staying focused and being flexible according to the circumstances.

11. What are your weaknesses?

I don't always work well with others but I am able to sympathize for their situations. I also like fixing problems myself without the help of others. Sometimes I am not good with thinking of things off the top of my head but I am improving. Additionally, I am not the loudest speaker but I am able to always convey my point and I do it as clearly as I possibly can.

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