Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week 22

This week was very exciting because I taught my third lesson plan of this year! That can be found in my reflection blog. In general, last week I helped one of the students with learning about obtuse, acute, straight, and right angles. He really seemed to know what he was doing with this lesson and listening to my mentor teacher I could tell that she too was excited about him understanding it. He even answered the question in a different way, but having it still be a correct answer. He said that the measure was 46 degrees. The answer she was looking for was 45 degrees but they are such close measurements that the answer could be correct when measuring. This could have helped other students who may have had a question about it. I've also been watching a lot of math lessons in her class. I am realizing that not every lesson is going to be a great hit but it is important to practice and enforce everything that you are trying to teach. If a bunch of the students aren't understanding, then you can trace back and reteach or continue doing practice problems depending on what the situation is.

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