Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Third Lesson Plan March 29

I am going to be completely honest, I was incredibly nervous for this lesson plan. I was really doubting myself, hoping I would remember the "left and right" parts in my input and worrying about the time. It was amazing though. When I started the lesson, all of those worries seemed to just go away as I gained confidence in myself, the lesson, and the students. I began with having one of the students say the objective. I found it interesting because my mentor teacher told me after my lesson that when teachers are being observed and graded, that they need to say their lesson objective a certain number of times throughout the lesson. She said that that was something new that the district was required to do. Then I started with my anticipitory set. I reviewed positive and negative numbers with them and showed them a map with coordinate planes as an example of the objective. Going on to the input was perhaps the best part of the lesson because the students had a blast moving up and down, left and right as I plotted the points. My mentor teacher even wanted to steal the idea which was really incredible. I had a lot of fun as well. When we went to the guided practice, I did the worksheet with them on the overhead and moved around the room to help them with plotting. Then we did it together on the overhead. With the independent practice there was some confusion about how to connect the points. Either student's knew how to do it or they were missing something somewhere but for the most part it looked like everyone knew what they were doing concerning how to plot the points. That made me feel very rewarded because they were rocking in the concern of plotting the points. I was very excited. The closure was somewhat missing due to time constraints. Some students were finishing while others were much farther behind. As a challenge, I allowed the students to plot their own point and label it, but only if they were done. This appeared to add confusion as well to some students, but my mentor teacher said to scrap the idea. The lesson was successfully taught and I felt very good about it in the end. I feel as though the students met the objective and I am very happy to have taught that particular lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah,
    As I stated you are an amazing teacher! You are so comfortable with the knowledge and I can't WAIT to see wher eyou land a job - you will be so far ahead all those "other" new teachers because by that point you will have many many years of teaching experience! Excellent job! Your teacher is so comfortable with you and I can see that she is getting ideas from you! How cool is that. Thank you for alaways giving 100% and doing your absolute best!
    Mrs Woods
