Thursday, April 19, 2012

'Freedom Writers' Questions

1. Why do Ms. Gruwell's students hate and resent her at first?

The students hate and resent Ms. Gruwell for multiple reasons. The students don't like the fact that she is white and they feel that she has not earned their respect. Over time, she sympathizes with her students and works to find ways to earn their respect. She relates to their lives and historical issues which helps the students view life in a different way.

2. How does Ms. Gruwell's upbrining, appearance and attitude contrast with those of her students?

From the beginning, the viewer can initially tell that Ms. Gruwell had a normal, happy upbrining while the students are continuously faced with the risk of violence, death, drugs, and weapons. She most likely did not have those same risks in school. Ms. Gruwell is also dressed typically in a neat skirt and blouse in which makes her look very professional. Her students on the other hand are dressed in much more raggedy clothing. Additionally, Ms. Gruwell has a very sunny outlook on life for she is constantly smiling and believes in the hope of education. Her students, in contrast, believe that they will drop out of high school eventually and have a negative outlook on life due to events that have happened personally to them.

3. Most of the teachers at Wilson High do not dress in formal attire. Why do you think Ms. Gruwell chooses to wear business suits and pearls to class? What impression does this make? How do clothes, accessories, and make-up affect how others percieve you?

Ms. Gruwell probably dresses in professional, fancy attire because she wants to make a statement of her self for professionalism and because she is setting an example for her students. The impression that it leaves is that she is very neat and most likely lives a very sheltered, peaceful lifestyle. Items that we choose to wear affects how people percieve you in way that states how much you care about yourself. Also, it defines much of your personality.

4. What obstacles does Ms. Gruwell face in ensuring that her students recieve adequate supplies and an innovative education?

Ms. Gruwell constantly faces conflicts with the faculty and school board helping her pay for things. For example, when she wants to get books for her students books, those who are above her in status decline because of fear of getting the books ruined. Additionally, they feel that the students are not smart enough for books. She even starts other jobs so that she can pay for the books.

5. Why aren't Ms. Gruwell's students provided with new books from the school?

As mentioned before, the school will not pay for books because they feel the student's are not smart enough and that the student's will destroy the books. I feel that this is wrong because it is denying the student's education that could help them in the future. It is a way of setting the student's up to fail which makes a statement on where they are headed in life, just like the self fullfilling prophecy.

6. What are some of the inequalities among students and classrooms in Wilson High School?

Wilson High School diplays examples of education inequalities. For example, when the black student was put into an honors program, one can tell that it is rare for an African American to recieve that kind of opportunity. It is an assumption that I made that those students also recieve better supplies and recieve a better education which is unfair for other students who need an equal opportunity in education.

7. Describe how the honors English students are treated differently from the "at risk" students. Why?

Honors English students recieve more opportunities than "at risk" students as mentioned above. For example, they would be given better books, they are taken much more seriously, given more respect, and recieve better supplies in general. This is most likely the case because of their upbringings and the fact that they are in an honors program makes the statement that those students care about their education, therefore they will recieve more opportunities. These students are not set up to fail.

8. Why do you think Ms. Gruwell faces such hard criticism from her peers and administrators at Wilson High? Describe some of the challenges Ms. Gruwell faces in dealing with the authority of the school.

Ms. Gruwell faces such hard criticism because her way of doing things was different and promoted equal education which was not widely accepted at this point in time. They feel that she is messing up the program of the school when in reality, she is only trying to help her students achieve. Some of the challenges she faces is with the field trip to the Holocaust Museum, the Holocaust guest speaker, recieveing books for her students, and continuing on with her freshman English class.